An educational epidemic


An educational epidemic

What is something our young people are missing out on at school?

Is it long lunches? Sufficient holiday periods? Or manageable homework tasks? 

These may all be true, but we at Kebloom have discovered a far more notable something that our kids today are lacking – and it’s only becoming more apparent as our technologically driven world advances.

That something being: a complete lack of financial literacy education.

Now, you may think that all the necessary hurdles are covered through schooling – but can we be certain of this?

Realistically, when and how frequently are our kids being taught the importance of saving versus spending, how to manage their money effectively and safely and what it really means to buy a house or make an investment? 

If your answer is along the lines of not often at all, then you’re along the right track.

With around a fifth of 15-year-olds in Australia not having fundamental financial literacy skills, the issue at hand is nearing epidemic proportions.

So we at Kebloom believe it’s now or never to take action and ensure that our future leaders are fully equipped to take action in this day and age.

By signing up for an account with Kebloom, your kid is already a step ahead of the rest in enhancing their knowledge and making financially responsible decisions in the long term.

Get your kids ahead, before they fall behind!

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